Some home buyers have a love-hate relationships with the properties they see. They either fall madly in love with a place, finding no faults, or are totally disgusted, even outraged that I would dare show them something so terrible.
Sometimes, underlying a buyer’s rejection reaction are their own irrational expectations or other psychological quirks. But other times, there are hidden issues that can cause a gut reaction of hate toward a particular home.
Here is reason #7 a buyer may dislike your home:
7.The wants and needs of hidden stakeholders.
Have you ever watched House Hunters International? I crack up every single time a family moving from Minnetonka to Dubai decides not to buy a given home because it lacks room for their friends and family when they come to visit. “How often do they think people are going to make that trip after all?! And can’t they grab a hotel room when they do?” I have heard they are really nice there! I always wonder (often aloud, to the puzzlement of my dog).
While this particular example is comical (and possibly scripted for TV), the reality is that many real-life buyers consider the wants and needs of people their agents will never meet as they decided whether to love or hate a particular home. For instance, over the years I've had multiple buyer clients refuse homes with stairs to enter because of aging parents who might only get to the place once or twice a year. I've also seen buyers make decisions about homes they intend to live in for a very long time on the basis of children that don’t yet exist, roommates and tenants they might never have, dogs that they are going to get 'someday', and expected age-related mobility concerns for their future selves, decades down the line.
In the end, it is very important that buyers agent help buyers to see past the issues we have been talking about for the last week. Maybe these issues aren't really all that important.
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